
Mount Mike

Today was the first day of Hari Raya~Wishing all muslim friend enjoy their Raya celebration~

And its been a long time ago for me to update my blog, here i come with my New update with the mount Mike~ :)

I m very happy coz have the chance to know this mountain and go till the top of it..Actually, this mountain is not very high,  the distance to get till the top is approximately 2000+ meters. We took around 1 hour to reach the top. On the top of the mountain, there is a Indian temple.  This is the first time for me to enter an indian temple and pay respect to the "dewa-dewi" inside the temple. Before go into the temple, must remember to wash hand, foot and face and most importantly, without wearing the shoes.My friend brought 2 coconuts to give to the temple and i saw quite a lot of people bring Milk( Dairly brand) to the temple. 

At there, we met a uncle who live at the foot of the hill. He is the owner of the Mike camp site and he told us the history of this mountain. He told us that this mountain originally was a highlands  used for tea plantation during Raja Brooke era. At that time, the Raja Brooke hired a lot of labors from India and they live at here. The Indian temple was build at that time too. However, the plantation of tea was not succeed. Hence, the highland and the temple were abandoned.  And during  1960 year, the site was recovered by people ( if i was not mistaken :P). Not forget to mention, there was a Raja Brooke Bungalow build there. However, the bungalow left only toilet bowl at the site ( i did not go to there see the bungalow site, and i heard this from the uncle, next time have chance may go there visit..).  3 years ago, The old Indian temple was renovated and replaced by a new temple.  I can feel the "sayang" feeling from uncle when he talked about the renovation of the temple because he feel that  historical significant is less after the temple was renovated. However, for me, the historical value still there although the temple is new now. :) 

For me, today's mountain hiking was a memorable experience and visiting the Indian temple was a big "bonus" for me as i was never expect that i will visiting such a historical place. 

I Like Mountain hiking the most and i enjoyed the time when i can hug the nature so close. Grateful for this..:)

On the way up to the mountain

Trails along the way up

The Entrance of the temple

The uncle who told us the history with his dog. Uncle used to go up the top of the mountain twice or more per week.

The Doggy. :P

The signboard shows the way to Rajah Brooke Bungalow and to the temple.


Rose Desrochers Thoughts On Taking Responsibility For Our Actions

When do we start taking responsibility for our own actions? It appears that we no longer own our actions. Owning our actions, involves taking personal responsibility for what we do. Why is it that when something goes wrong, we need some place to lay the blame? Part of being a mature, responsible adult is to know that when we make a decision in life we are responsible for the outcome, not someone else.

Let's look at the following examples:

A married man goes out and has an affair. He blames the wife for not satisfying his needs in bed. Did he ever stop to think that maybe his problem lies with him and not with his wife?

Your electricity gets turned off because you didn't pay the bill. Do you blame the mail man for not bringing the bill? Do you blame the electrical company, because you didn't receive the bill? You knew the bill was due. You pay it every month, don't you? It comes down to responsibility.

You join a website and the administrator bans you for breaking the terms of service. You blame the administrator? Why? You knew the rules of the website upon joining and had you not known the rules, you should have prepared yourself better by reading them.

Your daughter gets pregnant at 15. Let me guess you blame Britney Spears for influencing her to dress sexy. Yet you purchased the clothes for her and allowed her to wear them.

Your son gets suspended from school for fighting, drinking and drugs. You don't take responsibility as the parent. You blame the child. Well don't family values start at home? It is the rules that you set down and enforce that count.

When do we start taking responsibilities for our lives? We all have a responsibility to pay our bills, go to work, follow the rules and bring up our families within societal norms
It is really unfortunate that we seem to be raising a generation of children that don't take responsibility for their actions either. They blame their friends, they blame their teachers, and they blame everyone around them, but never themselves.

When you feel you are mistreated, why is it that you just can't seem to let go of it, get over it and move on with your life? If you feel someone has wrong you and doesn't want to own up to the fact that they have mistreated you then there isn't much that you can do about it.You need to accept that the person isn't going to see no wrong doing on their part, pick up your bruised ego and move on.

When do we learn as adults to be responsible for our own actions? When do we start living with the consequences of our decisions? Let go of blaming and being a victim. It serves no one. It sure doesn't help you. Has not excepting responsibility for your actions made you happy? It is time to admit your mistakes rather than blame someone else.

Being a responsible adult means that you accept credit when you do the right thing and accept correction when someone tells you that you have made a wrong choice in your life.

We're adults here and we want to be treated as such unless it's not in our favor and then we want to blame someone else, anyone but ourselves.

I think it is time each of us assumed responsibility in life, by being liable for our actions and taking ownership of them. Please for goodness sake, stop making excuses for your life. When you have done wrong, admit to your mistakes and then move on. 


明天会更好+ Tell me Why




“抬头寻找天空的翅膀 候鸟出现它的影迹 带来远处的饥荒 无情的战火 依然存在的消息”


为什么我们可以漠视这一切的存在?!!!!是因为我们都活在象牙塔里头,从来没接触到战争和饥荒活生生的例子,所以才导致我们冷漠? 是因为不是我们活在那里,所以一切就不关我们的事?是因为那一切都离我们很遥远,所以我们就可以当做这一切只是电视上播放的纪录片,当做故事来看待?或者,这些饥荒的概念,是在孩子挑食时拿来当做教材,用来恐吓他们说:如果你浪费食物,就会变成非洲的难民之类的话~~



那我们是否应该想想自己能为这世界付出些什么呢? 也许,凭我们这微薄的一点力气,并不能为这世界改变很多,但如果世界每一个人都贡献一点点力气,那积少成多就会为这个世界带来很大的改变。

最后,献上 Declan Galbraith 的Tell Me Why~ 同时,也为这世界献上祝福。













现在,左手受了伤,才深深的体悟到左手的重要性。幸而这伤应该很快就会痊愈~也庆幸我不是永远失去这只手~(Touch Wood  XP)



呵呵,今天的感悟到此为此~谢谢阅读~ XP